Saturday, January 26, 2008

There Will Be Cleansing

So Mark and I saw "There Will Be Blood" last night. We've been big Paul Thomas Anderson fans since "Magnolia." I can't remember the last time the just the two of us went to a movie. Perhaps it was back in Dallas...It's off to the Bob Bullock Texas History Museum tonight for U2 3D in IMAX. This is my first trip to the IMAX theater in Austin. I'm a horrible Austin resident...I leave Monday for Redwood Shores. I'll be there until Friday. Mom has graciously agreed to house/dog-sit for me...As part of my "New Year, New You" (I think I stole that from Oprah), I'm starting a cleanse next Saturday with the help of Cheryl Sipkowski's recipe. She finished the cleanse last week. Basically, you give you digestive system a rest for 7-9 days and let it rid itself of all the toxins and "goo and glue" our bodies are subjected to. I'll keep everyone posted on how it goes. It's off to Whole Foods this afternoon to get the witches brew. I think eye of newt was actually listed on the recipe.

Listening to: Bob Dylan - Series of Dreams


The James Family said...

Good luck with the cleanse. Redwood Shores, eh? I bet you're really going to some fancy, exclusive Palm Springs resort to get a colonic like all of the celebrities. :-)

Have fun in "Redwood Shores."


Shauna Lynn said...

umm... good luck with the cleanse. if whole foods doesn't have any newt eyes... i could maybe try to catch a native hill country lizard for you.