Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Death and Taxes

I feel like I've flirted with both the past few days. The sickness started last Wednesday out in California. I attributed it to the above average amount of seafood I consumed while I out there. Mercury seemed to be the culprit. After three days of no improvement, the verdict came down. The flu. Definitely the flu. Today was the first day I actually felt like getting off the sofa. The upside to this? LOST: Season 3 re-runs. Thanks to a potpourri of iTune downloads, NetFlix and the neighborhood Hollywood Video, I consumed 10 mind-numbing episodes over the past three days. My next installment arrives next tomorrow. I can finally join in the conversation without earmuffs. Strangely, I can say that 420 minutes later, I still have absolutely no clue what's going on. I love it!

Another positive thing to come from staying home: getting taxes done. That's about all I'm saying about that.

Luke has started calling me Uncle David. It's more like "Uh-Day" but it makes perfect sense to me and it is wonderful. It puts the biggest smile on my face each time I hear it. He loves to say "Uh-Day" and that gorillas are from "Aaa-cah" (Africa) and pandas are from "ina" (China). I'm probably stealing Mom and Dad's thunder, but he who blogs it first, claims it.


Shauna Lynn said...

what if we stay 'uh-day' and "auna" for the rest of our lives? my aunt debra is still 'beb-ep' to suz and i. if so... i'm glad luke's evolved from calling me 'ass'.

The James Family said...

Yeah...way to go. That was going to be my next post showing how Luke knows so much about animals and geography. :)

I am glad you are feeling better and I am super glad you are catching up on LOST.

Jim and Sharon said...

Sorry you had such a rough week, but sounds like you made the most of it.I am clueless about LOST, but it must be the "in" thing to talk about. Take it easy this week, Uh-day!!- Mom