Saturday, January 19, 2008

It's Good To Be Home

Well, it's been just a little over a month since I moved into my place, but for some reason this week seemed like the first week I was really settled into the new place. Some little birds found their bird feeder on the porch outside my bedroom. Molly loves sitting at the door staring at them as they fatten themselves up for the winter. I think she'd eat the bird seed if she could get to it.

I also cleaned out the fish bowl for Edith and Darrell, my two goldfish. They're named after Coach Darrell Royal and his wife Edith. I had a snail named Cleve but he went to the big freshwater fishbowl in the sky about three weeks ago. Edith and Darrell become "Dorothy" when Luke visits. That's what Elmo's fish is named.

Here's a timeline of the construction of my house. I can't believe these first photos were taken back in July. Enjoy!

Listening to: Radiohead - Jigsaw Falling Into Place


The James Family said...

Wow! Those are good time-lapse photos. It looks they made more progress from September through October than any other time. I can't believe it was May when they started work on it.

Jim and Sharon said...

I love the time-lapse photos - you did such a great job of documenting the construction. Where did all of the time go? Still hard to believe you are settled in. Mom

Kim John said...

you have a beautiful home! We need to have another party with Rock Band of course!
