Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Africa Photos Posted -- Part 2

I can't believe it's been over a month since arriving back from Zambia. Here are the long overdue photos from Camp Life 2008. You can view the thumbnail photos below or click here to see the larger slideshow with full captions.


Jim and Sharon said...

Great photos - I never tire of seeing the smiles on their faces- what joy you brought to their lives. -Mom

Pat said...

What sweet children. I cannot comprehend what it must mean to them that you came all that way to help them. Thanks for sharing these photos.
Auntie Pat

Shauna Lynn said...

precious! thanks for sharing them.

Anonymous said...

I look good in those photos! :) Thanks for posting them. Doesn't it make you want to go back? At least a little?!

Anonymous said...

Oh, btw. Those aren't my girls. Those are boys and I don't know who they belong to. I know you don't see color, but can't you see gender?