Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Who Has the Red Ball?

Molly and Luke have become great play buddies. Here's the game they played at Grammy and Paw-Paw's on Tuesday. You can hear Luke say "up" and "ball" several times.


Suzanne said...

That is so cute! I'm sorry I wasn't there to see it in person. I'm so glad that Luke and Molly have so much fun together. I really enjoy watching them play. Thanks for posting the video.

Jim and Sharon said...

Luke's attention span is so long for a 14 month old. I love the way he laughs and sees humor in so many things. I am glad Molly is so gentle with Luke. They will have so much fun in the years to come.

Shauna Lynn said...

too cute! molly is such a good dog. i might have to use her to introduce lily to dogs.