Molly and Luke have become great play buddies. Here's the game they played at Grammy and Paw-Paw's on Tuesday. You can hear Luke say "up" and "ball" several times.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Who Has the Red Ball?
Sunday, November 25, 2007
My Favorite Visitor This Thanksgiving
Somehow having LBJ around took the sting off the pitiful Longhorns performance on Friday.
Now playing: Ray LaMontagne - Barfly
via FoxyTunes
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Have Fun, Give Food
The United Nations World Food Program has started a site where you can play vocabulary games while donating rice to third-world countries.
Very appropriate for this time of year.
Now playing: Elvis Costello - Everyday I Write Book
via FoxyTunes
New Address
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Starting next Friday, my address will be:
11400 West Parmer Lane, #49
Cedar Park, Texas 78613
Happy Thanksgiving
I really slacked off on the blog updates while living in Temple. The clean country living and fresh air dulled my blogging urges, but now I'm back. I can't say I have too much news to share, but please check out the new blog layout and take the poll.
Today starts Day 94 of living in Temple, but that's about to wrap up. My walk-through in Cedar Park is schedule for Wednesday with the house closing set for the following Friday. I'll post some photos of the house and construction in the coming days. (This will force me to post more blog updates!) In some ways it seems like two weeks ago that I moved back home.
I've enjoyed every minute of living at home. I never thought I'd live at home again for this length of time unless I was going through some messy divorce or was evicted from my house. Fortunately, neither of those has happened. They days spent here have felt like an extended Christmas vacation. Some of the things I'll miss about living at home:
1. Mom always has a fresh pot of coffee brewed and ready to drink.
2. Dad quoting the stock market point gains/loss in realtime
3. Pecans!
4. Everyone knowing what the neighbors are doing.
5. Free utilities :-)
6. Always having someone to chat with or watch gross Discovery Health shows with at night.
7. Starbucks runs in the afternoon with Mom.
8. Hearing the doorbell ring and knowing it's something from eBay. The mystery is guessing what.
9. More pecans. Four hundred and twenty pounds at last tally.
10. Playmate for Molly
So what have I been up to since my last blog posting in August? Well, pretty much work and some more work. I've converted the front dining room into an office, and work there 90 percent of the time. I'll drive into Austin if co-workers are visiting from out of town. That rarely happens. I was home just four days in September. I traveled to Redwood Shores (just south of San Francisco) for work and headed to Ft. Lauderdale the following week for a Gartner conference. The next week I flew to Paris for a few days of customer meetings. The next week it was back to the States for a week in Denver. For play? Nope. Work again. Last week was spent in San Francisco. I'm done with travel for at least two months.
Here's a picture of me in front of the Lourve.
Here's a picture of the Arc de Triomphe at night.
I'm so excited that Mark, Suzanne and Luke are spending the night on Thursday. Luke is developing into such a little boy with new facial expressions and sayings every time I see him. Mark started reading "No Country for Old Men" by Cormac McCarthy. I'm not sure the last time we were both reading the same novel. Probably "Wuthering Heights" in high school. Maybe we can monopolize a corner at the Temple Starbuck's and start our own Central Texas book club.
Now playing: Foo Fighters - Everlong
via FoxyTunes