Monday, April 7, 2008

A Success!

This past Saturday, Betty, Dawn and I held our Africa fundraiser at Flirt to raise money for our upcoming Zambia trip. I have to admit I wasn't certain the event would be a success. I've never thrown a fundraiser before; however, Betty and Dawn helped orchestrate a successful event. We started at 7 pm and by the night (err...morning) was over we raised $1,026! To everyone who attended, donated auction items, brought food or sent donations: THANK YOU!

A special thanks to Leah at Flirt, David at Grapevine Market, Bryan at Bodies by B, Shauna at Vanilla Bean Design, the Houston Texans, Ethos Fuel, CD3 and Perfect Petzzz.


The James Family said...

Congratulations! It was a fun night.

- Mark

Jim and Sharon said...

Looks like you have a fun-filled and successful night!
Loved the pictures!