I may be the last person on the planet to see this, but I'm addicted to this clip. I'm not sure what's cuter: the older brother's British accent or Charlie's devilish grin.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Minnesota Trip
I arrived back in Austin last Thursday after four days in Minnesota. Some of the perks for traveling so much is taking in the local cultural destination like museums and historical landmarks. So what better place to absorb the local culture than to visit the Mall of America. I was eager to see the Camp Snoopy amusement park. I don't care who you are. Lifesize Peanuts characters is just about as cool as it gets. When I arrived at The Mall, I discovered the Peanuts gang had been booted by Dora and Diego. Nickelodeon has taken over the amusement park with Nickelodeon Universe.
I felt like The Griswolds when they arrived at Wally World only to discover the park closed (RIP John Candy). So I sucked it up and managed to eat a good Italian dinner at one of the restaurants. I think we selected the one that required the least amount of walking.
I'm home for two weeks before Mark and I head out yonder for the Great iPhone 3G Pilgrimage of 2008...I can't wait for the Fourth of July to get here. Besides Christmas, the Fourth of July is hands-down my favorite holiday. The air just seems different on that day. The parade, the Marching 100, being at Mom and Dad's and seeing friends new
and old. The last count reported by the accounting firm of Jim and Sharon, LLC, is 55...I spent Saturday afternoon at William, Cristi and Brody's in Buda. Brody is adorable. He has the perfect little face and head. He slept for about 1 1/2 in my arms before he got hungry...Sunday afternoon was spent at Maggie and Jo's riding the jet ski. Maggie has been very gracious in letting me monopolize two weekends in a row for some lake fun. We covered almost all 28 miles of Lake Belton in two weekends. Along the way, she'd point out Paw-Paw's favorite fishing spots. He loved that lake!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Smile...It's June 20th
Besides being a Friday, there is another good reason to be happy. Scientists have discovered June 20 to be the happiest day of the year.
O + (N x S) + Cpm/T + He
Full story.
And I thought it was just because I ate at Matt's today.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Beautiful Image
Whenever you see this image, you know Steve Jobs is up to something good. And this time it was pure iPhone goodness. A new iPhone that works on the 3G network and not the molasses network otherwise known as Edge. I'm selling my 2G iPhone for $125 if anyone is interested. Mark and I are going out to San Francisco next month for some work (me) and play (Mark). It's the first boys-only trip we've taken together since our L.A. trip just before out last semester at UT. We're trying to figure out which San Francisco-area Apple store to camp out in front of come July 11. It's going to be a complete dork-fest when we're out there. First...stop at the Apple headquarters to soak of the aura of Steve Jobs. Seconds, visit the garage in Palo Alto where HP was founded. Then go to our hotel across the street from Oracle.
Blogs Are Great
Blogs are great inventions. There's only one catch: I have to write posts for them to work. I've been really horrible about posting lately. I'll try to take the next few paragraphs to update everyone on what's been going on in my life the last six weeks (!) since I last posted.
The chaos started in mid-May with a trip to New York City for a series of customer meetings. I didn't do too much sightseeing, but did happen to catch the leftover crowd from the New Kids on the Block concert at the Today Show. I arrived about 10 minutes too late, but did manage to catch Jonathan smoking outside Rockefeller Center. The rest of my morning was spent doing a whirlwind "window media tour" of NYC. First stop, Don Imus near Madison Square Garden; Bill Hemmer at Fox News and then Anne Curry at the Today Show. I guess I'm easily entertained by watching TV shows through 3-inch thick glass with no sound.
It was back in Austin for the weekend and then off to Denver for work. Our team had an internal planning meeting for the next fiscal year. We capped off the week with a hike in Red Rocks.
It was back in Austin for full week and then off to Washington, D.C. for work. We're launching a new release of our software so we're kicking off a global sales training initiative. I met a co-worker in Reston, Va., just outside D.C. and took the D.C. Metro inside the Beltway for dinner and sightseeing. We didn't finish dinner until 10 pm but were still able to walk around the White House, tour the Vietnam Veterans War Memorial and walk inside the Lincoln Memorial. I definitely want to return to D.C. to visit the Smithsonian. Maybe Obama's inauguration would be a good time!
As I write this, I'm on my couch at home in good ol' Austin (okay Cedar Park) with Molly snoozing next to me. I leave on Sunday afternoon for Minneapolis-St.Paul for another round of training. I hope to visit the Mall of America and maybe bump in to Jeff Olson's kin folk.
Yesterday, Mark and I celebrated our 33rd birthday with friends and family. Does that sound as old as it looks on the screen? While it was great to have everyone there, I wish Karin could have been there. Unfortunately for me (but fortunately for her) she was soaking up the sun in Hawaii with her mom, sister and roomate.
I did, however, receive this nice birthday message from Karin at 12:01 am on June 11th.