Go see this movie. Excluding "The War Room," this is by-far the best documentary I've ever seen. The movie follows a group of senior citizens (age 74-92) as they prepare for a European concert tour singing rock 'n roll songs from The Ramones, Sonic Youth, Coldplay, Talking Heads, Bob Dylan and James Brown.
One of the most haunting performances come from Fred Knittle. As he sings Coldplay's "Fix You" the oxygen pump can be heard in the background.
Maybe in 2055 I'll be singing the classics from Soulja Boy and The Jonas Brothers. And maybe not.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Young @ Heart
Living Out Your Love
This story appeared on the front page of the Houston Chronicle this week. When faced with terminal cancer, some kids ask Make-A-Wish for Disney trips or celebrity encounters. Kristin asked for an orphanage in Zambia.
UPDATE: ABC News has selected Kristin as their "Person of the Week." Check out ABC's website to watch the story on tonight's ABC World News Tonight with Charlie Gibson.
Thanks for the Memories
This was a bittersweet week at work. Mike, who I've worked with or for during the last six years, decided to pursue another opportunity outside Oracle. A senior vice president and general manager position awaits. I've slowly learned that co-workers' departures are part of the job. People come, people go. But Mike was (and is) different. He has that magnetism that draws people toward him. I was fortunate enough to work for Mike at Ineto way back in the Internet Boom of 2000 and was called to his office one late August afternoon during the bust of 2001. It was just three weeks before 9-11. From the ashes of Ineto rose Ineto Services and with it a new job opportunity with Mike in 2004. As Mike always said, "We got the band back together." Ineto Services gave way to Siebel. Siebel gave way to Oracle. During the chaos, one thing was constant: Mike. While other acquired companies were losing staff, we never did. I think Mike was part of that reason. I think the greatest lesson I learned from Mike is you can be at the top of your game and still have a family life. The two aren't mutually exclusive. So on a spring night at Zax, the Ineto gang said goodbye to the guy who brought us all together. In true Mike fashion, he wouldn't let us buy his own going away dinner. As Winston Churchill said, "Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." Good luck, Mike.
Monday, April 14, 2008
New Look
After many long nights of brainstorming and focus group testing on the east and west coasts, the graphic design firm of Wendy, Suzanne, Kimmel and James delivered a new look to my blog. Take a look around and let me know what you think.
Monday, April 7, 2008
A Success!
This past Saturday, Betty, Dawn and I held our Africa fundraiser at Flirt to raise money for our upcoming Zambia trip. I have to admit I wasn't certain the event would be a success. I've never thrown a fundraiser before; however, Betty and Dawn helped orchestrate a successful event. We started at 7 pm and by the night (err...morning) was over we raised $1,026! To everyone who attended, donated auction items, brought food or sent donations: THANK YOU!
A special thanks to Leah at Flirt, David at Grapevine Market, Bryan at Bodies by B, Shauna at Vanilla Bean Design, the Houston Texans, Ethos Fuel, CD3 and Perfect Petzzz.