So Mark and I saw "There Will Be Blood" last night. We've been big Paul Thomas Anderson fans since "Magnolia." I can't remember the last time the just the two of us went to a movie. Perhaps it was back in Dallas...It's off to the Bob Bullock Texas History Museum tonight for U2 3D in IMAX. This is my first trip to the IMAX theater in Austin. I'm a horrible Austin resident...I leave Monday for Redwood Shores. I'll be there until Friday. Mom has graciously agreed to house/dog-sit for me...As part of my "New Year, New You" (I think I stole that from Oprah), I'm starting a cleanse next Saturday with the help of Cheryl Sipkowski's recipe. She finished the cleanse last week. Basically, you give you digestive system a rest for 7-9 days and let it rid itself of all the toxins and "goo and glue" our bodies are subjected to. I'll keep everyone posted on how it goes. It's off to Whole Foods this afternoon to get the witches brew. I think eye of newt was actually listed on the recipe.
Listening to: Bob Dylan - Series of Dreams
Saturday, January 26, 2008
There Will Be Cleansing
Saturday, January 19, 2008
It's Good To Be Home
Well, it's been just a little over a month since I moved into my place, but for some reason this week seemed like the first week I was really settled into the new place. Some little birds found their bird feeder on the porch outside my bedroom. Molly loves sitting at the door staring at them as they fatten themselves up for the winter. I think she'd eat the bird seed if she could get to it.
I also cleaned out the fish bowl for Edith and Darrell, my two goldfish. They're named after Coach Darrell Royal and his wife Edith. I had a snail named Cleve but he went to the big freshwater fishbowl in the sky about three weeks ago. Edith and Darrell become "Dorothy" when Luke visits. That's what Elmo's fish is named.
Here's a timeline of the construction of my house. I can't believe these first photos were taken back in July. Enjoy!
Listening to: Radiohead - Jigsaw Falling Into Place
Friday, January 11, 2008
Off to Dr. Sunbury's Office
Today Molly was treated to her annual vet appointment. I lucked into Dr. Sunbury from an old neighbor in Avery Ranch who also had a bulldog. Dr. Sunbury had bulldogs his entire life and absolutely loves them. Whenever he sees Molly he acts like she's the only dog in the world. Molly received a great report. Forty-two pounds and holding, which was an improvement from the plump 47 pounds we carried last September.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
For Your Consideration
If there is anyone reading in Iowa, check this out.
Now playing: Good Charlotte - I Don't Wanna Be In Love (Dance Floor Anthem)
via FoxyTunes
Holidays and Photos
It would be a crime not to mention the fantastic Christmas I had with family. I spent almost a week in Temple at my parents' place. I took two weeks off at work so I felt like I could really decompress and rest. We visited my great aunt Martha at her retirement community on the Friday before Christmas. She's in declining health so we dined in her community's dinning room. The highlight of the diner was seeing (and hearing) Dr. William Livingston (aka...the Voice of Tex) at a table nearby. It's like hearing the voice of God. On Monday, we went to Maggie's, and in true James family tradition, ate Tex-Mex. Because nothing says Merry Christmas like margaritas and melted cheese goodness. It was awesome.
On Christmas Day, Mom and Dad went all out with a triptophan-inducing turkey and dressing dinner before we opened presents. It was a perfect day with Mom, Dad, aunt Pat, aunt Maggie, Mark, Suzanne and Luke present.
2008 -- Year of the Polar Bear
I have no idea if 2008 is the year of the polar bear, but judging from the weather so far, it's a good guess don't you think? I've been horrible at posting updates. I'll blame the move for that.
I closed on November 30, 2007, and officially moved on December 7, 2007. Molly made the move shortly afterward. I promise to post before, during and after construction photos later this week. I love my new place! I have a great group of neighbors and it really feels like a small community. I started an online neighborhood community through Google Groups so we could post questions, comments and concerns. I'd like to get involved with the HOA, but the community is still too new. I'll make that a second-half 2008 goal.
Speaking of goals, I've made a few resolutions (or goals) for 2008. After reading Shauna's blog last year, she made a good point about sharing your goals. The more you share and write down your goals, the more likely you are to achieve them. I'm sure Zig Ziglar or Flip Flippan said that. So here it goes for 2008:
1. Stop eating red meat. I did this for 3 months last year, but want to give this up completely. (Watch "Fast Food Nation" if this sounds extreme.)
2. Lose 14 pounds by July 2008.
3. Participate in another overseas mission or volunteer trip for the underprivileged.
4. Work smarter -- not harder at work.
5. Be more social -- ex...join HOA
I'll try to keep everyone posted on my progress toward these goals.
I'm excited about this Friday. I'm throwing a "post-holiday" party at the new place. So far about 16 people have RSVD'd. Do I know that many people? If you're reading this and it's not yet Friday, send me an e-mail and I'll send you directions and the speakeasy password. Party pictures will be posted afterward. Be sure to get your Picks and Clicks password before leaving.
Happy New Year!
Now playing: Arcade Fire - No Cars Go
via FoxyTunes